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Re: mail port [Off Topic]

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Alec H. Peterson wrote:
> Kluge writes:
> >
> >It's very easy to send 'anonymous' email via port 25.  You aren't 
> >supposed to do it, however, any user can.  It is very easily trackable 
> >however...
> Also, it becomes even harder if any of these
> users have access to cron/at, making it possible to run the job
> virtually any time without being logged in.
I have to agree with this.  If you have access to any type of terminal 
which allows you to telnet without logging in first it makes it almost 
impossible to trace.  Another way to do it is if you first have to go 
into a DOS based system before your UNIX system all you have to do is get 
a copy of the telnet files and modify them a bit and you can go directly 
to port 25 without logging into any system.  The best they will be able 
to do is track it to a specific computer but as in any large network just 
about anyone could have been using that machine.  IT is impossible to 
track down the person.  


	     T H E  M A N , T H E  M Y T H , T H E  L E G E N D . 
* Dylan "Still" Boudreau	* #1 Rule of Combat:  Always remember that   *
* Internet: x93ojg@stfx.ca	* your weapons are made by the lowest bidder *
*       Homepage: http://juliet.stfx.ca/people/stu/x93ojg/welcome.htm       *  

                    It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a 
                  full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes,  
	            it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.  
		                    Hit it.
		    		     		  - Jake and Elwood Blues
